Give Back
Two of my favorite people Carl Smith and Andi Graham, who are always giving back to the community.
Some wonderful got together and made us an awesome site and printed off t-shirts. Thank you again to everyone involved and specifically to Matt Graham and Ben Callahan for heading things up. They also donated the proceeds from Cotton Bureau to us. Needless to say, we never planned on pocketing that.
Giving It Back
There’s an awesome opportunity to give back in a couple of ways. We really want this project to get funded: CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap. Additionally, one of the rewards gets someone 6 months of Code School. I love working there and the idea of someone getting 6 months to increase their skills.
So, we bought 2 of the $100 levels where someone gets the Code School reward and I want to give the rewards away.
We Need Your Help
Step one:
We need to know who to give these 2 rewards to. Are you in a point in your career where this could really make a difference? Or, do you know someone that it could really make a difference to? Pop your or their name in the form below and I’ll do a random draw on Friday (October 10th).
Step two:
Share the project! It has 4 days left and only needs $1,750 (at this moment).